$175.00 USD

2 monthly payments

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Talkative Toddlers April 2023 payment plan

Talkative Toddlers is a 5 week live training for proactive parents of children 13+ months who are excited to learn easy strategies & tools to get their toddler saying so many words they lose count! 

Here’s the details:

  • 5 weeks of 5 next level trainings + time to implement trainings kicking off April 5th at 8pm EST Sessions will be held Wednesdays at 8pm EST
  • Live attendance is fun, but not required as you will have lifetime access to the replays 
  • Sessions will be held inside a private Facebook group 

What you’ll walk away with: 

  • The tools to help your toddler start communicating in a way that seamlessly fits your busy life
  • The confidence that you know exactly what to do to support your toddler’s language development in a way that not only helps them start saying so many words you lose count, but use those words to communicate effectively with you and others 
  • A deeper understanding of your toddler’s needs & how to help them express their wants as they grow

Over 5 simple, yet incredibly effective trainings, I am going to teach you: 

Week 1: Understanding how babies’ communication develops right from birth & the most important thing we can do as parents to help their language grow!

Weeks 2-4: Alllll the strategies you need to build a solid language foundation & exactly how to use them in your everyday routines.

Week 5: How to help your toddler start talking now and use those words to effectively communicate with you and others 

^each week includes time for personalized support- asking questions and receiving personalized feedback